How to choose a domain name for an SMM panel

How important is your SMM panel's domain name? Is it worth spending your time to think about a truly good one or it’s okay to just pick something that comes to your mind first? After all, people are going to visit a panel no matter what domain it has, right?

Actually, it’s not as easy as it seems. But first of all, let’s determine what a domain name is.

What exactly is a domain name?

A domain name is a website's physical name. When people want to find your SMM panel online directly, it's what they type in the search bar. Domain names were invented to be used instead of complex addresses that are way too difficult to remember.

A domain name can contain letters, numbers, and symbols. For example, when you want to visit Perfect Panel's official website, you can either look up 'Perfect Panel' online or type in the domain name — '' — and access the website directly.

To get a domain for your SMM panel, you can buy it at various online marketplaces. Prices vary: there are domains that are very cheap, but also you can find the ones that are super expensive. The more potential a domain name has to help a certain website grow, the more expensive it's going to be.

Now, let’s break down why choosing a good domain name for an SMM panel is important.

Why do SMM panel domain names matter?

1. First impression of your panel

Your SMM panel domain name is the first thing that people see when they decide to try your services. If your panel has a good and memorable domain name, it’s more likely that you will get a lot of customers faster.

2. Domain names affect SEO

Having keywords in your SMM panel name can help with its SEO ranking. For example, for SMM panels such keywords could be: ‘panel’, ‘SMM’, ‘social’, ‘likes’, ‘follows’, etc.

3. Great branding opportunity

Choosing a good domain name for your panel can be a wonderful opportunity to build your brand. If you’re serious about developing your SMM services reselling business, then you need to make sure that your panel is recognized online.

How to choose a good SMM panel domain name

1. Try to use the most common domain name extensions

When picking a domain name extension, make sure to use the most common ones like .com or .net.

Of course, the best option is to find a suitable domain name with the .com extension. Why? According to statistics, over 40% of all domains online have this extension. It is just the most familiar to Internet users and the easiest to remember. This is why it’s safe to assume that your SMM panel will have more chances to succeed if you choose the .com extension.

If you want our advice, we suggest you try to find a domain name with the .com extension. In case you can’t come up with a good one, go for an option with a .net extension — the 2nd most common one. For sure, there are successful SMM panels with other extensions, such as .pro, .org, .biz, etc, but those are much less common.

Resellers also choose country code top-level domain name extensions that are associated with certain countries. For example, .ru for Russia, .tr for Turkey, .in for India, for Brazil, and so on. This option could work well if your main target audience are people from the country that is associated with the domain name extension you chose.

2. Go for a creative domain name instead of a generic one

While you should definitely try to include SMM panel-related keywords in your domain name, it’s also important to avoid using the most generic options that are way too similar to existing domain names in this business area.

Since SMM services reselling is such a narrow business niche, domain names that consist of only one or two most obvious keywords are already taken. When you check such domains online, you can usually find big panels behind them because their owners have been around in the business for a while already. If you really want your SMM panel to stand out, try to come up with an option that isn’t too similar to other panels’ domain names. For example, there are panels with domain names that have only one letter or one symbol difference when you check places with such services online.

In case you already are familiar with top SMM services resellers, you know that some of them have creative domain names that became their brand. This is how they get recognized in this business and get more customers, it’s easier for people to find such panels since there aren’t too many similarities between their domain names and those that other panels have.

How to find a creative domain name for an SMM panel

1. Come up with your own words. Besides using one or two keywords that could indicate that this is indeed an SMM panel, you could also create your own word. After all, this is what the founders of Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc, did, and now these words are the names that are well-known worldwide.

2. Use uncommon words & synonyms. If you have a difficult time creating a unique word that could fit your SMM panel, there’s also the option to find synonyms of the commonly-used words you considered for your domain name.

3. Try domain name generators. There are actually cool tools online that you can use to create good domain names based on your existing ideas and chosen keywords.

3. Short domain names are definitely better than the long ones

It’s better to use shorter domain names instead of longer ones. According to the data gathered online, websites with domain names that have 6-14 characters receive more web traffic than those that exceed this limit. Again, domain names that are short and that consist of suitable keyword combinations are either taken or cost a lot of money — sometimes even thousands of dollars. That’s why going for creative domain names that can help you build your brand and make it recognizable is what you should definitely try.

4. Make sure your domain name is easy to type

It’s better to use shorter domain names instead of longer ones. According to the data gathered online, websites with domain names that have 6-14 characters receive more web traffic than those that exceed this limit. Again, domain names that are short and that consist of suitable keyword combinations are either taken or cost a lot of money — sometimes even thousands of dollars. That’s why going for creative domain names that can help you build your brand and make it recognizable is what you should definitely try.

5. Your domain name should also be easy to pronounce

In addition to being easy to spell, your panel domain name should also be easy to pronounce — at least for your target audience. This would help panel users spread the word about your panel to people they know and potentially attract more customers. You can test how easy it is to pronounce your SMM panel domain name the same way we recommended to test the simplicity of its spelling. Just ask 10 people from your target audience to pronounce it, and if they struggle, then you need to think of another option.

6. Skip hyphens and numbers to avoid any confusion

Using hyphens and numbers in your panel domain name would make it even more difficult for everyone to spell and pronounce it. Just imagine all those explanations that could still confuse people in the end. That’s why we recommend using letters only.

7. Use keywords that are related to SMM services reselling

As mentioned above, using 1-2 SMM panel-related keywords could help with your SEO ranking. It’s best to put such keywords at the beginning of your domain name for better performance. Also, keep in mind what we mentioned above about generic domain names — it’s best to try to be creative with yours and build your brand that way.

8. Plan ahead when choosing your panel domain name

When picking a domain name for your panel, it’s important to think long-term and be several steps ahead. Are you 100% happy with your choice? You should be because this domain name is going to be associated with your brand.

Sure, you can change your SMM panel domain name later, however, it won’t be as easy — it will cost you money, SEO rankings, and branding. Is it really worth it? One of the best things you can do for your reselling business is pick a good panel domain name and keep it.

9. Check if the chosen domain name is trademarked or taken

Before you decide on a certain SMM panel domain name, make sure to check that it doesn’t contain any trademarks and isn’t used by someone else already.

Avoiding trademarks is important because if you aren’t careful with that it could result in legal issues. When you see that the domain name you chose is already taken by another SMM panel owner, don’t try to create something very similar-looking. Again, creativity is the key here if you want people to start recognizing your panel without confusing it with someone else’s reselling business.

10. Don't hesitate to use domain name generators when out of ideas

If you can’t come up with a good SMM panel domain name right away, there are a few generators you can find online that are very helpful when it comes to brainstorming ideas. Such generators can help you turn your ideas into creative domain names. To find them, just look up ‘domain name generator’ online. For example, here are a few of them: DomainWheelGoDaddy’s Domain Name Generator, Business Name Generator.

How to register a domain name

When you purchase a panel on our platform, you can buy a domain name with our help as well. This is the easiest option that exists so you could avoid any possible problems with your domain and proceed with setting up your SMM panel right away. You can also buy a domain name by visiting the website of any registrar of your choice, after that you’ll have to set up your domain and connect it to our nameservers.